Steam Museum Service

Valveforce help get a steam museum open post lockdown

Valveforce were contacted by a charming steam museum, which had been closed for a long time due to COVID and lockdown. The owners of the museum were looking to re-open and wanted to ensure that everything was up and running safely and efficiently.

How Valveforce helped

The steam museum contacted Valveforce to ask them to visit the site and give the plant a specialist bill of health before it reopened.

Our Service Engineer visited the site to assist with the reopening of the steam museum. He was able to:

  • Advise them on the safe and efficient running of the steam generator.
  • Upgrade the safety valve springs to the correct range
  • Adapt the steam traps, so they are all the same
  • Add lagging to the hotwell for better efficiency
Steam Museum 1
Steam Museum 2
Steam Museum 3
Steam Museum 5

Valveforce are here to help

Please call our team to discuss your requirements on 0121 711 1908 or email us at We would be very happy to discuss your project in detail. From the moment you first contact Valveforce, you benefit from industry leading expertise gained over many years at the forefront of steam and process valve technology.

Valveforce are part of the Force Group of Companies, which also includes ControlsforceHeatxforce and Pumpforce.

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