Steam Trap Survey

Save Energy and Reduce your Carbon Emissions

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    Steam Trap Survey

    A Valveforce Steam Trap Survey involves a detailed inspection of your condensate return system and delivers the following:

    • Identification and an inventory of the complete steam trap population
    • Independent checking of each steam trap to ensure that it is correct for the application
    • Visual inspection of each steam trap to check that it is installed correctly
    • The lastest ultrosonic testing of all steam traps in operation
    • Highlight other issues that may be observed in you steam and condensate system
    • Generation of an independent report as a result of the steam trap survey

    We can save you money, reduce your carbon footprint and also ensure that your traps are working at maximum efficiency!

    Steam Traps

    Steam trapping is an essential and critical part of the steam and condensate loop. It is advisable to take our specialist advice to ensure that the correct steam trap is sized and specified correctly. Also important is the pipe work layout and geometry which may cause site problems. Steam trap maintenance is recommended to optimise performance.

    Our range includes:

    • Mechanical traps such as ball float traps and bucket traps, ideal for use on heat transfer packages where there are often varying loads.
    • Thermodynamic traps are compact, lightweight, not affected by water hammer and are very well suited for steam mains drainage.
    • Thermostatic traps are used on a vast amount of applications where you might want to use some of the sensible heat in the condensate and reduce live steam loss.

    An example of saving money: As a rule, just one passing 15mm Thermodynamic steam trap will cost you about £750 per year in live steam loss.

    Steam Traps Types

    Valveforce Products/Services

    Valveforce’s independent steam trap inspection will contain:

    • A complete detailed listing of all your steam traps
    • Precise operating conditions for each trap (at time of survey)
    • A detailed report on the condition of the steam traps and associated ancillaries
    • Accurate steam losses will be highlighted and calculated using your exact operating costs
    • Calculated return on investment will be given for any remedial work that may be required
    • Should other steam leaks be identified such as gland leaks then these will be also included
    • An inclusion for other system recommendations maybe required

    In addition, we are able to offer:

    • A competitive steam trap installation to carry out the remedial work
    • Discounted prices for all steam traps and ancillary products identified during the steam trap survey

    For more information,

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